Our New Website for 2021

We are very excited to share our brand-spanking-new-work-in-progress website! It comes with a whole host of new products that we’ve had available for a while now that weren’t online and it also has a new blog. 

The Problem – too many brands!

For years we’ve been beset by the problem of having multiple brands and not knowing the best way to present them online. There are many enormous multi-brand companies in the world that do this very well, GAP is a great example. But these enormous companies, although they have a main company site, have individual domains and dedicated sites that reflect each brand.

All of our products, except for the raw fabric and some of our haberdashery, are made in our atelier. Everything ships from our workshop. So it didn’t really make sense to have multiple sites to manage. And what if one of you wanted to purchase products from different brands and then what? Pay separate shipping fees? No, no, that will never work.

The Solution – a unified front

So we decided to create one site, at, that is broken into departments, one for each brand. Each with its own subtle character differences but with some common functions.

What this allowed us to do was create a single cart that works across all of the departments. So if, for example, you wanted to purchase a Cucina Rustica Tea Towel, a CROP Linen bread basket and a thimble from our Atelier haberdashery, then they would all be added to the same cart. You then pay for them all together from a single checkout page with a single shipping fee.

It’s wonderfully convenient and allows us to manage only one administration portal which saves us plenty of valuable time. 

You can access all of the different departments by clicking on their individual brands on the footer.

We hope that you find the new website easy to navigate and explore. We love feedback, so please comment below or send us an email at

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