What are the MASTERS OF LINEN and BELGIAN LINEN marks?

Our CROP Linen homewares, TENUNO pouches and our MOEBI scarves all carry both the Masters of Linen mark and the Belgian Linen mark. In this guide, we are going to describe to you exactly what this means and how these marks distinguish our linen fabric amongst other linen fabrics.

If you’re searching for the short answer, above all:

  • The Masters of Linen mark means that the fabric is made from 100% high quality European flax, entirely grown and processed in Europe
  • The Belgian Linen mark means that the fabric was woven in a Belgian linen weaving mill


The Masters of Linen mark is a registered mark defined and managed by the European Confederation of Linen and Hemp. It should be noted, that they are the only European agro-industry organisation, federating all of the stages of production and transformation for linen and hemp. In addition, they also act as a spokesperson for the European businesses involved in the production of linen, from plant to yarn to fabric.

The Masters of Linen mark is a sign of excellence for linen made entirely in Europe. For cloth to obtain this mark, every single step of its processing must be carried out in Europe. To ensure 100% traceability, all spinners and weavers commit to a stringent set of rules. Consequently, these rules define their methods of production and sourcing. Every year the association performs audits to monitor their activities. In other words, they ensure that excellence is maintained.

How do you benefit from this as an end customer?

A linen item bearing the Masters of Linen mark is:

  • guaranteed to be 100% made in Europe. Most importantly, it has provenance, a place and a source of origin
  • produced with exceptional, age-old European skill and knowledge
  • made by companies with corporate social responsibility
  • made with a low carbon footprint

By purchasing linen carrying the Masters of Linen mark, you are supporting excellence and innovation in the present and future development of flax and linen. Subsequently, you ensure that the industry continues to thrive and maintain invaluable know-how and craftsmanship.


The Belgian Linen Association created The Belgian Linen mark in 1960. Above all, it ensures that the linen fabric is:

  • made of flax of EU-origin
  • guaranteed to have been woven in Belgium
  • guaranteed to have passed thorough quality tests

We supply a Belgian Linen Certificate of Origin with all our linen items. This certificate guarantees that you are buying genuine Belgian Linen. The Belgian Textile Federation manages the system that tracks and monitors this certification.

The power of both marks combined

Our fabrics are certified by both marks. Together they form your guarantee that the linen fabric comes from flax grown and processed in Europe, and has been woven in a Belgian weaving mill. Undoubtedly, this results in an exceptional fabric! The complete CROP Linen range, the ready-made TENUNO pouches and the MOEBI scarves are all made from 100% Belgian linen.

For a great deal more information regarding the Masters of Linen mark, the European Confederation of Linen and Hemp and their initiatives, please visit their website here. In addition, you can find more information on the Belgian Linen trademark at their website here. The Masters of Linen trademark and the Belgian Linen trademark are the property of their respective owners.

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